The Government of India's Ministry of Educationresolved
on 27 July 1961 to establish the National Council of Educational
Research and Training, which formally began operation on 1 September
1961. The Council was formed by merging seven existing national
government institutions, namely the Central Institute of Education, the
Central Bureau of Textbook Research, the Central Bureau of Educational
and Vocational Guidance, the Directorate of Extension Programmes for
Secondary Education, the National Institute of Basic Education, the
National Fundamental Education Centre, and the National Institute of
Audio-Visual Education. I is separate from the National Council for Teacher Education.
was established with the agenda to design and support a common system of
education which is national in character and also enables and
encourages the diverse culture across the country. Based on the
recommendations of the Education Commission(1964-66), the first national
policy statement on education was issued in 1968. The policy endorsed
the adoption of a uniform pattern of school education across country
consisting of 10 years of general education program followed by 2 years
of diversified schooling..
Making examinations flexible and integrating them with classroom life and
Nurturing an identity informed by caring concerns.
The Curriculum for the Ten-year school
framework came in 1975. It emphasised that a curriculum based on the
principles laid out in the framework has to be developed on the basis of
research. Thus for NCERT, the 1970s was a decade flushed with
curriculum research and development activities to relate the content and
process of education to Indian realities.
National Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education.
National Education Policy's Information Full Details for Pdf File 2019.
This revised curriculum framework came in 1988 after the National Policy on Education (1986).It
encompassed 12 years of school education and suggested a reorientation
of curricular and instructional materials to make them more
child-centred. It advocated bringing out examination reforms and the
implementation of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation at all stages of education.
National Curriculum Framework for School Education
framework came in 2000. It stressed the need for a healthy, enjoyable
and stress-free childhood and reduction of the curricular load. Thus an
integrated and thematic approach was suggested, environmental education
was emphasized upon and language and mathematics got integrated in the
first two years of schooling.
Curriculum Framework: The council came up with a new National Curriculum
Framework in 2005, drafted by a National Steering Committee. This
exercise was based on 5 guiding principles:
Connecting knowledge to life outside school
Shift from the rote method of learning
Enriching the curriculum for overall development of children so that it goes beyond textbooks
Making examinations flexible and integrating them with classroom life and
Nurturing an identity informed by caring concerns.